Yes! Wednesday December 10, 2008 - Ren graduated from Otago University in Dunedin, New Zealand |

Bachelor of Science: Zoology |

Step brother Ben Beattie and Ciara Bloomfield joined us for the graduation |

Zoology Department |

Ren with classmate, Rosie |

Tom and Molly join the graduation parade to Town Hall |

Step brother RA Beattie and Whitney McDowell also joined the celebration |

Proud parents |

That's Ren Suen in the red shirt |

It was a glorious celebration |

We celebrated at a famous old Scottish restaurant in the Dunedin Train Station |

Several of Ren's classmates join in |

Thursday we visited a penguin conservatory |

The Yellow Eyed Penguins were nurturing their one month old babies |

A yearling walks home from the beach |

Nesting huts for the Yellow Eyed Penguins |

They are so cute in their tuxedos |

The bunkers we watched the penguins from |

The New Zealand countryside is magnificent |

NZ looks a bit like Ireland and Scotland - no wonder Captain Cook was drawn to it |

Ren's last dinner on the South Island - Fleur's Seafood Restaurant |

It was the most incredible seafood we have ever encountered |

The local fishermen bring their catch directly to Fleur |

And off to Auckland to begin our journey to Madang, PNG |

Ciara practicing bungy jumping |

Ben testing the water |

Real people actually do jump off the Sky Tower |

And walk around the outside platform - higher than the Eiffel Tower |