New Zealand December 8-12, 2008

Ren's Graduation and our visit to New Zealand

Yes! Wednesday December 10, 2008 - Ren graduated from Otago University in Dunedin, New Zealand

Bachelor of Science:  Zoology

Step brother Ben Beattie and Ciara Bloomfield joined us for the graduation

Zoology Department

Ren with classmate, Rosie

Tom and Molly join the graduation parade to Town Hall

Step brother RA Beattie and Whitney McDowell also joined the celebration

Proud parents

That's Ren Suen in the red shirt

It was a glorious celebration

We celebrated at a famous old Scottish restaurant in the Dunedin Train Station

Several of Ren's classmates join in

Thursday we visited a penguin conservatory

The Yellow Eyed Penguins were nurturing their one month old babies

A yearling walks home from the beach

Nesting huts for the Yellow Eyed Penguins

They are so cute in their tuxedos

The bunkers we watched the penguins from

The New Zealand countryside is magnificent

NZ looks a bit like Ireland and Scotland - no wonder Captain Cook was drawn to it

Ren's last dinner on the South Island - Fleur's Seafood Restaurant

It was the most incredible seafood we have ever encountered

The local fishermen bring their catch directly to Fleur

And off to Auckland to begin our journey to Madang, PNG

Ciara practicing bungy jumping

Ben testing the water

Real people actually do jump off the Sky Tower

And walk around the outside platform - higher than the Eiffel Tower