Madang and Rabaul PNG - December 13, 2008

Our arrival in Madang

Fruit bats

Flying fruit bats

A village market

Selling Beetle Nut

WWII Relic

Family fishing outing

WWII Grave Site



Incredible palm

What a beautiful country - and thick jungle

Rich coconut harvest



Busy Bee

Masks from the Sepik River Region

Downtown Madang

Shopping in the Madang market


The market was busy

Dye for the fibers


We tried the corn - nothing like Iowa or Colorado sweet corn

Visiting the fish market. They catch fish at night and cook it along the waterfront.

Fresh Yellow Fin Steaks for US $.75

Yellow Fin Steaks

5 Kina = US $1

Selling Beetle Nut

Busy Bee and Molly Bee

Group shot - Bucky taking the photo

Visiting a butterfly nursery

Harvesting Beetle Nut

RA giving it a go

It's a long way up!

Handicrafting pottery

The pots

Villager's kitchen

Clean dishes

Harvesting mangos

Kids playing in the sea

In the village

Busy Bee explaining

Ciara working out

Fresh water supply

Dye from a local flower


Showing the kids their picture

Young love!

Freshwater eels


Site of Robinson Crusoe filming with Pierce Brosnan

Friday's burial site

Cooking lunch

Village school



PNG wildlife

Village dance

Rabaul volcano - erupting for 14 years

Pier where we boarded Love Me Tender

Major Wager is anchored too close to the volcano - ash covers her

There is blows!

And you can hear the volcano rumble

RA's first catch

Cam's first PNG catch!

Marlin on!

Tater's first Marlin

Whitney gets a Marlin on a fly!

Walter...been away from home too long!

Curious villagers

Tom, Bucky and Ren attending a burial ceremony

Surrounding villagers dress up

They bring large rings of shell money

Sarah with shell money

Representatives from each village pass out shell money

All the men carry man bags to hold their Beetle Nut, mustard and lime

So do the little boys

Throughout the log drums are played

A typical dowry would be 15 rolls of shell money

Guide Sarah and her 70 year old father

Shell money

Fire dance