Tonga October 18-26, 2008

Vegetable market in Nuku'alofa, Tonga

A Tongan grave

Blow holes

The Tongan King's residence

The Royal Palace

Clamming with their

bare feet

The pigs run free

Traditional Tonga wear

Greeting Mike and Jan Brenny, Tom and Nancy McClernon, Brian and Marlene McDonald and Den and Peg Stulc

Cam fighting a 125 pound Marlin on light tackle

Mike lands his first fish

Peg caught a wahoo

Whales are everywhere

Jan landed a tuna head

Molly released her skip jack at the boat

Trolling for Marlin

Den lands a Mahi Mahi

Tom diving in Vava'u, Tonga

Incredible diving in Vava'u, Tonga

More diving in Vava'u, Tonga

Diving through underwater caves

Tom and Den at the Princess's villa in Vava'u

Den and Peg

Tonga feast at the Princess's villa

Feasting on suckling pig

Twin school children demonstrating native Tonga dance

Brave young men preparing for war with neighboring islands

Molly applies to adopt a Tonga child

String band with their bowl of kava

Three tuna on at once!

Den caught the largest one

Mike bringing in a yellowfin

Cam catching bait!

Bidding farewell to the Brenny's, McDonald's, Stulc's and McClernon's. It was a fun packed week.

Our hospitality agent in Vava'u, Gray!

The inter-island airlines

Derek and Sue, our agents in Tonga - also the managers of Air New Zealand's Tonga operation

Our guests from October 20-27: Nancy and Tom McClernon, Marlene and Brian McDonald, Peg and Den Stulc, and Jan and Mike Brenny

Arriving at the Major Wager

Katie, our chief stew

Tom and Molly's suite

Jeremy giving a safety brief

Chief Engineer - Mark

Den getting football scores

Fishing mates

Cam fighting a Marlin on light tackle. The tackle held up - but the Marlin dove hundreds of feet and spooled the reel

Brenny becoming a soprano

More bait!

Whales are everywhere

Whales visited out boat

How is Den doing with retirement?

Peg vs. a Wahoo

Mac and the Tahitian drum

Cocktail Entertainment

Master Chef Martha

Going fishing with Jeremy and Cam

Afternoon sun

Kate serving the drink of the day

"When you see the Southern Cross for the first time..."

Vava'u, Tonga

A sailing paradise

Tonga's only botanical garden

The making of tapa

Vanilla beans

Traditional Tonga dress

Life is good

Mac and Marlene

Jan won the first game of cribbage

Special wine for this week's adventure


A day at the beach

Clear bottom canoe

Pub crawling in Vava'u

Diving in the underwater caves


Mike and Jan

Tom and Molly
